- New Generation Vacuum Sealing Machine with a full colour screen and label printing integration.
- Chamber provides a flat workspace for easy cleaning and hygiene.
- Innovative transparent top cover with automatic opening.
- Large high resolution LCD colour screen for viewing all stages of sealing process.
- Programming directly on the keyboard of the machine or from a PC (memory for 20 recipes or specific products), date transfer via USB.
- The vacuum is maintained % or mbar with an integrated vacuum sensor.
- Ability to assign a user code to each operator.
- All operations are stored in chip memory and can be exported to PC
- Function red meat to avoid separation (meat juices).
- Vacuum mode sequential, specially developed for terrines, pates, mousses, etc ... also highly appreciated for confectionery and bakery products.
- Marinade feature, designed to allow a more intense infusion.
- "Log book" maintenance, automatic detection of any faults.
- 6 pre-programmed languages (Fr, Nl, De, It, En, Es, Ru, ...).
- HACCP Compliant.
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